
MECCA online workshop for Lake Victoria region held

An online workshop was held on the 30th of November, 2020. Around 20 policy-makers and researchers from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania attended this meeting. In this meeting, the MECCA team was introduced to key policy-makers and researchers in the region, and presented the project’s aim, activities and expected output. The research project was well-received, and participants acknowledged the importance of climate change research in the region. They particularly appreciated the interdisciplinary approach of the project, by looking at climate change impacts in the region as well as community members’ perceptions of climate change. The workshop turned out to be most productive, as the MECCA team was advised on dissemination strategies, as well as how to ensure the relevance of the project’s outcomes for the region.

Participants of the MECCA Lake Victoria workshop. From top-left to bottom-right: Dr. Stefan Liersch (MECCA), Dr. Karlijn van den Broek (MECCA), Dr. Hagen Koch (MECCA), Dr. Maryse Chappin (MECCA), Samson Kidera (Department for Fisheries Aquaculture and the Blue Economy), Dr. Chrisphine Nyamweya (KMFRI), Dr. Rhoda Tumwebaze (LVFO), Dr. Anthony Taabu-Munyaho (LVFO), Horace Onyango (KMFRI), Patrick Otuo (KMFRI), Samson Abura (LVFO), Dr. Chrisphine Nyamweya (KMFRI), Isaac Barasa (Kenya Fisheries Service), Hillary Mrosso (TAFIRI), Dr. Robert Kayanda (LVFO), Dr. Shigalla Mahongo (LVFO), Dorothy Birungi (NaFIRRI), Dr Dr. George Rushingisha (TAFIRI)

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